Below you will find the master calendar showing who will be sponsoring the flowers on the altar in the sanctuary.
Sponsor Altar FlowersIf you would like to sponsor the flowers on the altar for a Sunday, please contact the church office. When sponsoring the altar flowers, we ask for a $50 donation to cover the cost of the flowers for that week. If you would like, we can place a message in the bulletin stating the flowers are either in loving memory of or in honor of someone or in honor of an anniversary, birthday or other event. The message would read as, "The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of John Doe by Jane Doe."; "The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in honor of John Doe's 50th birthday by Jane Doe and Family." These messages will appear on the back of our worship bulletin for the 10:45am traditional worship service.
Please note, on certain holidays, the Altar Guild places special arrangements on the altar and these Sundays would not be available to sponsor. I.E. Palm Sunday - Palms on the altar, Easter Sunday - Easter lilies placed on the altar, Christmas - Poinsettias placed on the altar the Sunday before Christmas and Christmas Eve. |
Altar Flower DeliveryThe Stout Memorial Altar Flower Ministry is looking for smiling
faces who will be willing to deliver Sunday flowers. Easy to do, just follow these directions before delivering.